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Homemade Beef-Style Seitan

This easy, homemade Beef-Style Seitan is so meaty and hearty and delicious! And did I mention FAST? You can literally whip up a batch in under an hour and have it ready to use in all your favorite recipes.

For anyone who is new to the seitan game and wondering what the heck it even is, here’s your primer: Seitan (pronounced say-tan) is a vegan meat substitute made primarily from wheat gluten. It is sometimes called Wheat Meat, and is one of the most popular faux-meats out there. I’ve seen it a lot at Asian restaurants, served as “vegetarian chicken” or “vegetarian beef”. Seitan can be baked or steamed (my seitan roast recipes are steamed). Once it’s ready, you can then “cook” it in whatever recipe you’re using!

Many of you are already familiar with My Favorite Chicken-Style Seitan recipe, which is one of my most popular. Both are delicious, but the flavors are different, as their names imply.

That said, you can use them interchangeably in alllll my recipes. Need some ideas? Well, how about Korean BBQ Seitan?

Korean BBQ Seitan with Sugar Snap Peas and Coconut Rice | www.thatwasvegan.com

Or perhaps atop a thick, gooey slice of Nacho French Bread?

Vegan Nacho French Bread | www.thatwasvegan.com

Or how about inside of some hot n’ crispy Seitan Chingalingas?

Seitan Chingalingas | www.thatwasvegan.com

The only limit is your imaginations, my friends! I’m already hard at work on my next recipe to feature Beef-Style Seitan, which will be Korean Cheesesteaks… Here’s a sneak peek!

I feel like I’ve been working on this recipe forever, and I’m so excited to finally share it with you guys. I hope you’ll love it as much as you loved the Chick’n version!

I shared some of my favorite seitan-based dishes… now tell me what YOUR favorites are!

Homemade Beef-Style Seitan

Prep Time15 mins
Cook Time35 mins
Total Time50 mins
Servings: 8
Author: Barb @ ThatWasVegan?


  • 1 1/4 cups vegetable broth
  • 3 tbsp tomato paste
  • 2 tbsp worcestershire sauce be careful, not all brands are vegan!
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce
  • 1 1/2 cups vital wheat gluten
  • 1/3 cup chickpea flour
  • 1/3 cup nutritional yeast
  • 1 tbsp oregano
  • 1 tbsp steak seasoning choose a brand with salt in it, or else add salt separately
  • 1 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • 1/2 tsp crushed red pepper flakes
  • 1/2 tsp black pepper
  • 4 pieces aluminum foil, each about 6″ wide


  • Whisk the broth, oil, soy and worcestershire sauce, and tomato paste together. I like to start by measuring the broth in a measuring cup, and adding the rest to it. 
  • In a large mixing bowl stir together the remaining ingredients. Form a well in the center and pour in the wet ingredients. Stir with a rubber spatula until the entire mixture begins to pull away from the sides of the bowl.
  • Knead the dough for 2-3 minutes. This step is crucial to developing the gluten, and you’ll actually be able to see the consistency change. You can knead in the mixing bowl, or move it to a cutting board (you’ll need to eventually anyway). Keep in mind as you’re working it that you’re going to be cutting it into 4 loaves, so shaping it into a square or rectangle is better than a roundish lump.
  • Let the mix rest for 10 minutes, then knead for another 30-45 seconds. Move it to the cutting board if you haven’t already and slice into 4 equal pieces. Wrap each in foil by folding the long edges first, then the short edges. You want the loaf to be completely covered, but with room to expand.
  • Place the loaves into a steam basket, and into a large pot with water at the bottom. You need enough water so it doesn’t all evaporate, but not so much that the foil touches it. Steam for 35 minutes, and if they’re stacked at all make sure to flip them once halfway through.  
  • Remove from the steamer and let cool for 30 minutes or so before putting in the fridge to chill for at least an hour. Wrap the loaves in plastic wrap or zippie bags and store in the fridge (for up to 2 weeks) or the freezer.

2019 Goals

I am not going to make this into a Big Thing. I’ve done that before. I’ve come up with Big Lists of Big Things and all they do is stress me out. So, I guess you could say one of my goals in 2018 was to figure this out about myself, and #Accomplished!

I’m really pleased with my life right now. I feel like a lot of things have come together for me, my anxiety levels are lower, and I’m just… happy!

Because of this, don’t want to make a big deal about things that I should/could/would change. Instead, I’ve come up with three areas I want to focus on this year. Areas where I want to grow, improve and generally increase my awesomeness. No metrics, no rewards or punishments… just a few things that I want to dedicate more energy to in 2019.

I’ll certainly check in with myself (and share it here) to make sure there are improvements though! Not sure what that’s going to look like, just that I am definitely going to stay accountable and on track. So, without further ado, here they are in no particular order:

  • GET ORGANIZED – I would be truly embarrassed if any of you knew how many boxes remain unpacked at home. And I moved in back in 2015. I aspire to be that person whose home is a shrine to their love of organization. You know the saying, “A place for everything, and everything in its place“? Yah. I want that. 
  • GET HEALTHIER – I have zero desire or plans to give up vegan junk food. Processed foods, salt, oil… those babies are here to stay. That said, I would like to include more meals that are completely whole-foods based. I also want to exercise more frequently. And, ahem, I’ve gained ~10lbs in the last few months and those need to go. (Since I’m being so honest here)
  • FOCUS ON THE BLOG – I’ve been on the blogger struggle bus the last year or two, and I want that to change. I want to create more exciting, quality content to share with the world. I also want to use TWV? as it was meant to be- that is, as a creative outlet for myself. I allowed it start to feel like work, and that’s why I stepped back. I need to remind myself that it’s FUN!

I feel really good about putting my time and energy into these three areas, and I also just feel good about 2019! Not that the past year was bad for me personally- it wasn’t. It was a great year! I got my first cookbook deal for crying out loud! I just… want to do more. I want to be present and focused and persistent and positive.

Okay, that’s it! No idea how often I’ll post updates, but I know that I will. Now it’s your turn: Do you have any goals for 2019? 


What I Eat When I’m Not Blogging #23

Now that the craziness of my special project and the holidays are (mostly) behind me, I’m really excited to get back to cooking and blogging and all the other pieces of my life that have been pushed aside. I’m actually working on a separate post on that very topic, so I wont bore you twice. THIS POST is about clearing out the backlog of pictures of delicious vegan stuff I’ve eaten along the way. Meals or snacks that aren’t recipes I’ve created for the blog, just to give you an idea of all the awesomeness I shove in my mouth. Here we go!

I am lucky enough to work a block away from the the best Pho joint in Denver (I’ve blogged about it on my Mile High Vegan Eats Page) so I eat there quite a bit. Apparently I’ve eaten there at least three times since last I shared with you!

This is their Tofu Pho, which is my favorite thing to order there. SO MANY VEGGIES! And the vegetable broth is super flavorful. As you can see I loaded it up with sriracha and hoisin and sprouts and thai basil! 

A few days later it was cold and blustery and I was craving it again. This time I went alone and brought a book (well, my ipad). I love eating alone, I find it so relaxing. 

Last but not least, the third time I was joined by my friend Cindy. We used to work together (and still only work a couple block apart), so we like to meet up for lunch when we can. She had the Tofu Pho, and I went for the Tofu Noodle Bowl. Lots of rice noodles topped with lightly pickled cucumbers, carrots and daikon… and tons of tofu. I’m not entirely sure what the sauce is, but they assure me it’s vegan and holy hell is it tasty. Not spicy, just flavorful. 

I also popped over to Mad Greens for lunch one day. They’re a regional chain, and if you have one near you I do recommend it. Lots of vegan options! I nearly always get the Pancho Villa Salad with Piri Piri tofu, it’s spinach and field greens with corn and pepitas and warm quinoa. I guess you can’t see any of the tofu, but it’s in there!

This hot mess is a cake I tried to bake. I’ve blogged plenty about how terribly bad I am at baking. It’s ridiculous, really. I was trying to veganize this cranberry walnut cake (here’s the nonvegan version) and, well, this picture speaks for itself. It tasted really good though!

These next two lovely snacks were enjoyed on Christmas Day: Miyokos Garlic Herb Cheese Wheel and a combination of So Delicious Nog and Reddi Whip Almond Whipped Cream.

Hopefully it goes without saying that the Reddi Wip DID NOT go on the cheese. The cheese was enjoyed with crackers. The Nog and Wip were enjoyed together… the Nog was also enjoyed with some bourbon 😉

Last week I had lunch with my mom and little brother at The Yard House. It’s a chain, owned by Darden, but all that aside- I really like it. They have tons of beer AND and entire section of their menu dedicated to Gardein products! I actually worked the Yard House location in San Diego while in grad school, when it first opened. There were only a handful of locations back then- and it was still privately owned. Anyhoo, I had a pint of Dry Dock Apricot Blonde and the Gardein Chick’n Fingers with Sweet Potato Fries:


Okay, I’ll be back next week with another round of pics to hopefully clear out my backlog. Have a safe and happy New Years Eve everyone!


Big News!

In case you’re wondering where I’ve been… I’ve been in the kitchen, going crazy, and writing a cookbook! That’s right you guys- I got a cookbook deal, a real honest-to-goodness, printed-on-paper and sold-in-stores cookbook! 

Potential titles include “What Have I Gotten Myself Into: The Vegan Version” and “OHMYGOD I just cut the tip of my pinky off“… but the publisher feels pretty strongly that it should be more focused on the content, which is vegan recipes for everyone’s favorite kitchen appliance: THE INSTANT POT!

My manuscript goes in later this month (so I can get back to normal) and we’re looking at a May 2019 publish date, at which point I will do alllll sorts of fun giveaways! 

See you all back here soon  ❤️❤️❤️


My Grandma

My Grandma passed away last Saturday. She was 89.

It’s crazy to imagine all the changes she witnessed, from when she was born during the Great Depression until now. It’s an entirely different world! I think she had a good life though. She was married (my Grandpa passed away when I was just 3 years old), had two daughters, four grandchildren and four more step-grandchildren, and a whole mess of step-great-grandchildren. She was from Ohio but moved to New Hampshire when my mom was little.

Grandma (who we mostly called by her first name, Josie, or “Grandma Josie”) was a huge part of my childhood. My brother and I were raised by a single mom and spent most of our younger weekends at Grandma’s house in Merrimack where she just spoiled us silly. 

She owned a big orange pickup with one of those campers on the back, and would take us to Jellystone Park in the summertime. She also regaled us with stories of when she and Grandpa were members of a motorcycle club. I realize that it was just a group of friend who all liked riding together, but I prefer to imagine her as a bit of an outlaw 😉

Later she moved to our rural little town to be closer to us. Here she is in her favorite spot, on the edge of the lake at happy hour…

My NH Visit | www.thatwasvegan.com

A couple years ago she moved to Denver- her first time living in a city! She adapted well, and definitely enjoyed all the sunshine. It was great to be able to spend those last few years so close to her. This was just a few months ago, a combination Mother’s Day/Birthday celebration for her. I actually baked that cake!

It still seems unreal that she’s gone, even as I’m preparing to fly to NH tomorrow for her burial service. I miss her, but I know it was time, and she was ready to go. I also believe that she’s still with us in some way, maybe even watching over us. I love you, Grandma! 


Mile High Vegan Eats: Choice Market

MHVE: Choice Market

Once upon a time my bus driver got confused and took a bunch of really unhappy commuters on a detour through downtown Denver. As I gazed out the window wondering just how late to work this was going to make me, a sandwich board caught my eye. “BEYOND BURGER!” it shouted at me. Wait, what? I was too slow to catch the name of the restaurant it was in front of, so later that day I walked back to that block (17th and Broadway) and discovered Choice Market, a restaurant/health conscious convenience store! 

They have a huge menu, and everything that is vegan is clearly marked. They also stock a ridiculous amount of vegan convenience foods. Here’s just a tiny portion of what they offer:

This is just one of the refrigerated cases, look at all that plant-based goodness!

They also have pre-made salads in another case, you can just grab n’ go (quickly too- they have a self checkout!)…

Annnnnd… CUPCAKES!

They also have 8 different beers on tap- also serve yourself!

And the menu! I’ve only been twice and there’s still plenty left for me to try, like the Beyond Burger (served with vegan cheese, vegan thousand island, and all the usual veggie toppings), the Jackfruit Torta (made with green chile marinated jackfruit, vegan mozzarella, refried black beans, avocado and vegan mayo), and the Breakfast Burrito (stuffed with tofu scramble, vegan green chile, roasted potato, refried black beans and vegan mozzarella), just to name a few. 

The first time I popped in alone, and went with the Beet Reuben, a delicious combination of corned beets, vegan mozzarella, sauerkraut and vegan thousand island on rye bread: 

The bread was toasted and omg why haven’t I ever combined beets and thousand island before? This is definitely my favorite item on their menu thus far. I also ordered a side of the Vegan Green Chile Mac N Cheese, which is made with cavatappi pasta (my fave!), and a green chile sauce. Their online menu only shows the regular version, but when you’re in the store the menu on the wall has a vegan version. 

The sandwich by itself really filled me up and I didn’t touch the mac n’ cheese until lunch the next day, so I definitely over ordered. The good thing though is that all their food is wrapped up to-go, so it worked out. I didn’t love the mac n’ cheese as much as I had hoped. The green chile was very flavorful but I found the cheese sauce a bit bland. It definitely needed more salt. 

The second time I went, my friend Cynthia came with. I had told her about this place and she was just as excited to eat there as I was. 

This time around, I chose the Tofu Bibimbap Bowl which has vegan fried kimchi brown rice, sesame soy tofu, sauteed baby kale, sauteed wild mushroom, roasted corn, pickled onion, vegan kimchi and is drizzled with sriracha. 

Very spicy and flavorful! This was my first time having Bimimbap, but I already knew that I love kimchi and really any Korean flavor. And it was so filling! I only managed to eat about half (so basically I spent $11.50 for two meals- that’s a pretty good deal!). I also bought a container of the Homestyle Vegan Potato Salad because it sounded good, and I ate it later as a snack…

Lots of mayo and dill and crunchy peppers and onions, just the way I like it!

Cynthia spotted a case full of empanadas as soon as we walked in, and there was a row marked vegan so she grabbed one. It was almost a disaster as they were mis-labeled but the kind (and dare I say handsome!?) man behind the counter quickly realized and fixed her up with the plant-based one. 

As I watched her eat (half of) her sandwich I was suffering from some serious FOMO. She chose the Truffled Wild Mushroom Melt, which combines those truffled mushrooms with house roasted red pepper, caramelized onions, vegan mozzarella and a sunflower seed basil pesto on a hoagie roll. The picture truly doesn’t do this sandwich justice and it’s definitely what I’m ordering the next time I go in!

Look at all that cheese! 

I definitely recommend Choice Market for a quick and casual meal, or if you need to stock up on hard to find vegan products. They’re a bit more expensive than the Natural Grocers that’s also near my office but that makes sense because they’re smaller. Go check them out, and tell the cute guy behind the counter that I said hi 😉 



Want more Denver-area restaurant reviews? Check out my Mile High Vegan Eats page!v

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What I Eat When I’m Not Blogging #22

Okay let’s work together to clean up this backlog of food pics I have sitting around, clogging up my phone! 

I recently shared my updated recipe for Buffalo Chick’n Pasta (if you haven’t made it yet you need to) and I reheated a serving for dinner one night, adding a few leaves of fresh sweet basil from my little container garden, along with a hunk o’ garlic bread.

That pasta sauce is all about creamy goodness… you gotta try it. 

I had two work conferences recently, and one was catered by Garbanzo. I stuffed a plate with tabbouleh, rice, falafel, pita, and marinated mushrooms. Oh, and chips, because why not?

The second event was catered by a BBQ company and I was pretty sure I’d go hungry… but I didn’t! I was very happy to find a huge garden salad, roasted potatoes and other veggies, and a grilled tofu n’ veggie kabob! Watermelon for dessert!

You know those days where it’s kinda dark and rainy and you get home from work and even though you meal prepped like a champ the weekend before, your tummy is still crying out for wine and Chinese food? Well I had one of those days. Luckily one of my local delivery places has vegan drunken noodles that I absolutely adore. And let’s be honest- I always have that wine on hand 😉

As a side note, I’ve been binging The Good Wife on Prime, and I can’t stop watching it! I’m almost to the end of the second to last season tho, and already starting to have anxiety about what I’ll watch next. 

Chipotle! No matter how many vegan-friendly burrito joints pop up, I’ll always have a soft spot for Chipotle and their sofritas. Remember how happy we all were when they first rolled them out? I was so grateful to have that option. This was a quick dinner with my mom one night… I had the sofritas tacos, and in the background you can see her sofritas bowl with a lovely mountain of guac! 

Ok that’s it for this episode!


Craving Fall Foods

Fact: Autumnal is my favorite word. I love everything about Autumn, and even though it hasn’t actually started yet, I’m already craving the foods many of us associate with the season. It doesn’t help that football season has started- that really makes it feel like fall to me. 

So I thought I’d share a few of my favorite autumnal recipes because I know I can’t be the only one feeling this way! 

Cornbread Waffles Smothered in Spicy Chili Perfect for game day or brunch (mmmmm with a bloody mary? These would be divine!), what a fun way to combine waffles and chili!

Cornbread Waffles Smothered in Spicy Chili

Spicy Sweet Potato Hash with Roasted Poblanos Roasted peppers just scream fall to me! 

Spicy Sweet Potato Hash with Roasted Poblano- And easy breakfast or brunch that's full of flavor! www.thatwasvegan.com

Creamy Bacon Corn Dip is always good to bring to a potluck or to eat during a game. Or for dinner…

Creamy Bacon Corn Dip | www.thatwasvegan.com

Cauliflower Corn Chowder always hits the spot on those cool fall evenings! Plus it’s a bit lighter than your usual chowders because it uses cauliflower in place of all those potatoes. Not that I have anything against potatoes! 

Cauliflower Corn Chowder | www.thatwasvegan.com

Another hearty soup I’ve been craving is my Taco Soup! It’s delicious and filling and just a bit decadent. 

Vegan Taco Soup

My Creamy Portobello Mushroom and Kale Pasta has also been calling out to me. Sure, it’s pasta, but it’s not heavy at all, thanks to all the ‘bellos and greenery! And did I mention it’s creamy?

Vegan Creamy Portobello Mushroom and Kale Pasta

Also? Baked Mac n’ Cheese because it’s finally time to turn our ovens back on, right? 

Baked mac n' cheese. Easy, vegan and sooo delicious! | www.thatwasvegan.com

If pumpkin is your jam, you gotta try these Baked Pumpkin Chimichangas with Chipotle Cream Sauce. Did you know you can make chimi’s in the oven and save a whole bunch of calories? Well you can!

Vegan Baked Pumpkin Chimichangas with Chipotle Cream Sauce

Tex-Mex Chinese Pie with a whole explanation of WHY I call it Chinese Pie:

Tex Mex Chinese Pie | www.thatwasvegan.com

Honestly I could go on and on because I have a ton of favorite fall recipes, but I’m going to close with my mostly aptly named one: The Best Fall Casserole. It’s easy and it’s EXACTLY what you’re craving when the air has a chill and you’ve spent the afternoon hiking or raking leaves or watching football! 

The Best Vegan Fall Casserole

I’m curious to know… which seasonal foods are you guys craving?


Vegan Adventures in Paris (Partie Deaux)

Vegan Adventures in Paris! Food and fun from a plant-based POV | www.thatwasvegan.com

When Part One left off, we were just leaving the Musee Picasso…

**Day Two** (Continued)

Remember the Paris Passlib’? Well one of its perks is a free boat ride on the Seine, which sounded like a fun way to see the city from a different POV. It was a long windy walk but we made it to the banks of the Seine, just below the Eiffel Tower, where the boats are all docked. There are at least 10 different boat companies doing tours like ours, along with fancier dinner tours… but of course we went with the one that was free. 

We rode on the top deck, and it was breathtaking:

Vegan Adventures in Paris! Food and fun from a plant-based POV | www.thatwasvegan.com

Vegan Adventures in Paris! Food and fun from a plant-based POV | www.thatwasvegan.com

Vegan Adventures in Paris! Food and fun from a plant-based POV | www.thatwasvegan.com

Vegan Adventures in Paris! Food and fun from a plant-based POV | www.thatwasvegan.com

The sun was setting as we stepped off the boat, and we were starving. Luckily I knew exactly where I wanted to eat: Brasserie 2eme ART (either they don’t have a website or it’s down, so here’s their Happy Cow page). 100% plant-based, this spot had shown up on a number of “must eat at” lists for Paris. It was way over on the other side of the city but that wasn’t a problem- we were on one of our unlimited metro pass days, right? Right. Well, sort of. 

Turns out it was also one of the rail worker’s strike days, so while all the local (think subway) trains were running, the same was not true of the RER trains, which are sort of a regional option. And the ones that were weren’t making all their scheduled stops- our train skipped the only stop near the restaurant. Even with Google maps there didn’t seem to be an easy way to get back there via public transit, so we headed back up to the surface and called and Uber. It was rush hour and crazy expensive, and the traffic was INSANE! We had witnessed the traffic from the sidewalk of course, as we traipsed across the city, but being stuck in it, while starving, pushed me straight from hungry to hangry. It wasn’t pretty. By the time we got to the restaurant it was after 8pm. On a Friday night. The place was beyond crowded. The length of the wait, plus the fact that there were no other great options nearby AND we were still across the city from our own hotel may have spurred a minor temper tantrum, haha. Mom, I’m sorry 🙂

But, we did wait and it was worth it… the food was fantastic (although the pictures sadly, were not- VERY dark in there!)

I had the Kabob Wrap with some of the tastiest, most flavorful seitan ever! It was so delicious, if we had gone back a second time I definitely would’ve ordered it again. 

Vegan Adventures in Paris! Food and fun from a plant-based POV | www.thatwasvegan.com

Mom went with the Pad Thai, which she enjoyed as well. Lots of veggies in there- and I promise it wasn’t actually green IRL!

Vegan Adventures in Paris! Food and fun from a plant-based POV | www.thatwasvegan.com

They also had some pretty great decor: 

Vegan Adventures in Paris! Food and fun from a plant-based POV | www.thatwasvegan.com

**Day Three**

Pretty sure I bounced right out of bed on this morning because THE LOUVRE! First we stopped for coffee, then walked along the Seine on our way to the famous museum. It was early morning, and other than a few runners, we were the only ones out. It was lovely. 

Vegan Adventures in Paris! Food and fun from a plant-based POV | www.thatwasvegan.com

As we approached the museum we thought were among the first… but if you squint, you can see there are at least a hundred people already lining up on the other side of the Louvre Pyramid. Which totally made me feel like I was in a Dan Brown novel! This is also another advertisement for Museum Pass– don’t wait in line when you don’t have to! 

Once in we zoomed first to the most famous pieces that we knew would be mobbed later in the morning: Winged Victory, Dying Slave, The Wedding at Cana, and the Venus de Milo:

Vegan Adventures in Paris! Food and fun from a plant-based POV | www.thatwasvegan.com

Seeing these masterpieces, some of which are thousands of years old, was truly moving. And humbling. Imagine creating something so important, that even thousands of years later people are traveling across the world just to stare at it. 

Probably the most famous piece of art housed at the Louvre is, of course, the Mona Lisa

Vegan Adventures in Paris! Food and fun from a plant-based POV | www.thatwasvegan.com

While it wasn’t as striking in person, it was still very cool to see something so famous in person. Of course, we couldn’t get very close to it…

Vegan Adventures in Paris! Food and fun from a plant-based POV | www.thatwasvegan.com

And yes, there were guards. 

There were also some heavily armed federal type soldiers patrolling around too. We never did figure out if they were always there, or if something had happened. But all that wondering did not stop us from just enjoying the beauty around us:

Vegan Adventures in Paris! Food and fun from a plant-based POV | www.thatwasvegan.com

Everything was lovely, nothing was simply functional. 

There weren’t a ton of vegan options in the cafe we stumbled upon (although admittedly I never looked at the menu at the places on the lower floors), but all I needed was coffee and a roll!

Vegan Adventures in Paris! Food and fun from a plant-based POV | www.thatwasvegan.com

After the Louvre we headed back across the Seine to the Eiffle Tower. Here’s another tip: Buy your tickets with a reserved time in advance! You can do so through their official website (or along with your Passlib’) for no extra cost- and it’s definitely the thing to do. When we arrived 20 minutes before our reserved time, we were whisked right in. Past the ~300 people waiting in line just to get into the park. Never mind the hordes of people waiting to take the elevator or stairs up the tower- there were many more waiting inside. Definitely do this. Yes, it requires planning but it’s worth it. 


Vegan Adventures in Paris! Food and fun from a plant-based POV | www.thatwasvegan.com

And amazing! Construction was completed in 1889 for that year’s World Fair (can you imagine what people must have thought of this engineering marvel in the 1800s!?), and Wikipedia tells me it’s the most-visited paid monument in the world with close to 7 million people ascending it in 2015 alone. Impressive! 

Vegan Adventures in Paris! Food and fun from a plant-based POV | www.thatwasvegan.com

Our reserved visit included the elevator to the second level (although I would’ve enjoyed climbing the 600 stairs!), and here was the view: 

Vegan Adventures in Paris! Food and fun from a plant-based POV | www.thatwasvegan.com

Vegan Adventures in Paris! Food and fun from a plant-based POV | www.thatwasvegan.com

Vegan Adventures in Paris! Food and fun from a plant-based POV | www.thatwasvegan.com

Vegan Adventures in Paris! Food and fun from a plant-based POV | www.thatwasvegan.com

And that concludes day three… we were up early the next morning to catch our train to Switzerland, but don’t worry- we do come back to Paris and I still have SO MANY food pics to share! 


Buffalo Chick’n Pasta (Redo!)

Buffalo Chick'n Pasta - Vegan, made with Soy Curls, delicious and creamy! | www.thatwasvegan.com

Old favorites are favorites for a reason. But they’re also, well, old. I first made this creamy and spicy Buffalo Chick’n Pasta six years ago and while it was (really, really) good, the 2018 version was ready for a bit of an update. It’s still delicious though! Very creamy, with that wonderful buffalo sauce heat. What gives it the creaminess? Why, cream cheese of course! Oh and those soy curls… Still one of my favorite mock meats – not least because it keeps so well in the pantry.

Originally I made this with spaghetti, but nowadays I go more for a smaller pasta shape and one that really holds the sauce. Shells would be good, or penne. My personal fave though are cellantani: cute little twisty tubes that are bite-sized but hold a whole ‘lotta creamy goodness in them!


Check out the (updated) original post for the recipe and some fun facts about soy curls!

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