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These Vegan Garlicky-Pepper Tofu Bites with Chili Dipping Sauce are one of my absolute favorite appetizers, because they’re both delicious and easy. And I pretty much always have the ingredients on hand! These were actually first developed for Nasoya’s Tofu U website (go check it out!)
Garlicky-Pepper Tofu Bites with Chili Dipping Sauce | www.thatwasvegan.com

You’d never expect something so easy to be so yummy, or lovely. I mean look at those! You could serve them at your fanciest cocktail party and all your friends would just be wowed.

My favorite part is the dipping sauce. Or no, maybe it’s the crispy little black bits on the baked tofu.

Or maybe it’s the fact that you don’t need a fork or spoon to eat them. I mean c’mon… everything tastes better when its served on a toothpick, right?

So go on. Wow your friends. You know you want to.

And if you’re in the mood for more scrumptious tofu recipes, try some of these on for size:

Cajun Fettuccine with Tofu

Buffalo Tofu Spring Rolls

The Best Tofu Ricotta


Garlicky-Pepper Tofu Bites with Chili Dipping Sauce
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  1. 1 12oz package Nasoya Black Soybean tofu, well pressed
  2. 2 Tablespoons soy sauce
  3. 1 Tablespoon sesame oil
  4. 1 teaspoon black pepper (a little more or less, depending on how much you love pepper!)
  5. 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  6. 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  7. Non-stick spray
  8. ½ cup vegan mayo
  9. 2 teaspoons chili powder (if you’re heat-averse, start with 1 teaspoon and taste before adding more)
  1. Firstly, make sure your tofu is really well pressed! You want these bites to be firm so they’ll stay on the toothpicks. Slice the tofu in half lengthwise through the center, giving you two large flat rectangles. Stack on top of each other, then slice into thirds. Slice again into thirds in the other direction. This will give you 18 bite-sized cubes. If you want smaller bites, slice into fourths.
  2. Mix the soy sauce, sesame oil, black pepper, garlic powder and lemon juice, then add the tofu. Let them hang out together in the fridge for about an hour. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Cover a baking sheet with aluminum foil and spray with a little cooking spray. Spread the tofu out on the foil and bake for 20 minutes. Remove, spray the tops of the tofu with more non-stick spray, then flip each piece.
  3. Cover with the remaining soy sauce mix, and add a few cracks of pepper, then back for another 15-20 minutes or until they’re firm and are starting to get dark and crispy around the edges. While the tofu is in the oven, mix together the Nayonaise and the chili powder for your dipping sauce. Chill until ready to serve. When the tofu is done, serve 1-2 per toothpick for a healthy, delicious appetizer!
That Was Vegan? https://www.thatwasvegan.com/

Southwestern Parsnip Fries

Southwestern Parsnip Fries | www.thatwasvegan.com

This was my first time eating parsnip fries, and I’m officially a convert. I love these suckers!

In all honestly, I’m a pretty recent convert to parsnips in general.  The first time I ever made them was while following a recipe that called for them. I had heard of them of course, but never tasted them. Now I’m all “Why didn’t anyone tell me to try these sooner!?” Cause they’re really good! I love them grilled (in the summer) or roasted (in the winter).

Sometimes I forget and call them turnips though, and then people think I’m weird. Totally true story.

In the winter, when I’m doing my “food prep Sundays”, I love tossing a bunch of chopped up parsnips, beets and sweet potatoes in a little oil and roasting them, then I’ll eat them for lunch all week. Yums.

This time around, I decided to branch out a little bit.

Southwestern Parsnip Fries | www.thatwasvegan.com

These fries were just perfect. You know how parsnips have that tangy flavor? These retain that, even when baked, and it goes perfectly with the taco seasoning.

Southwestern Parsnip Fries | www.thatwasvegan.com

I ❤ Parsnip fries!


Southwestern Parsnip Fries
Who needs french fries when you can have PARSNIP FRIES!?
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Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
25 min
Total Time
30 min
Prep Time
5 min
Cook Time
25 min
Total Time
30 min
  1. 3 parsnips
  2. 2 tablespoons olive oil
  3. 2 teaspoons taco seasoning
  4. Sea salt (I used 4-5 cracks on the salt mill)
  1. Preheat oven to 420. Cut the parsnips into wedges and mix in a bowl with the remaining ingredients. Place single layer on baking sheet and bake for 20-25 minutes, until crispy. Stir 2-3 times. If needed, finish under the broiler for a minute.
That Was Vegan? https://www.thatwasvegan.com/

Luce’s Artisan Gluten-Free Bread Mix

Luce's Gluten Free Artisan Bread Mix | www.thatwasvegan.com

I love bread, and although I’m definitely not gluten-free, I’m always excited to try new products! Especially when, you know, the product is bread.

ESPECIALLY when it allows me to easily bake delicious bread at home! Luce’s Gluten-Free Artisan Bread Mix was beyond easy to make.  You add water. You mix. You bake in the provided baking bag. There’s hardly any clean up. Perfection.

Here’s the loaf of Rye…

Luce's Gluten Free Artisan Bread Mix | www.thatwasvegan.com

Look at that texture! It was chewy and hearty and just perfect. The loaves are fairly small, enough to serve as a side for one family meal. I see this as a plus, because “easy to make” + “no leftovers” = fresh bread for every meal, right? And you have a wide selection to choose from:

  • Classic Sourdough
  • New Italian
  • OMG Flatbread
  • Really “Rye”
  • Bold Buckwheat

I also love the story behind this company, which was started by a lifelong baker who was struck with celiac disease. His frustrations led to new GF recipes, which led to these mixes which allow everyone to enjoy delicious homemade bread, even those with gluten intolerance or celiac disease.

Ready to try some? You can buy the mixes in bulk online, or these cute little packages at these stores.  No stores listed in your area? Ask the grocery manager to start carrying Luce’s!


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Asparagus & Tofu Stir-fry

Vegan Asparagus & Tofu Stirfry | www.thatwasvegan.com

Here’s an incredibly easy dinner you can whip up with very little work that’s both delicious and healthy. Actually, calling this Asparagus & Tofu Stir-fry delicious is an understatement. It’s one one of those dishes that looks (and is!) so simple you take that first bite expecting to be satisfied, but not wowed. Then, before you know it, your hair is blown back!

It’s either a case of multiple flavors working together in synergy, or it’s magic.

It’s probably magic.

Vegan Asparagus & Tofu Stirfry | www.thatwasvegan.com

This would be a great way to introduce someone to tofu for the first time. It’s also nice and light and will be perfect for this summer… if it ever gets here. I woke up to SNOW on the ground yesterday morning, for crying out loud 🙂


Asparagus & Tofu Stir-fry
Serves 4
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  1. 1 block firm tofu, pressed
  2. 1 bunch asparagus, woody ends chopped off
  3. 1/3 cup soy sauce (I like the reduced sodium varieties)
  4. 1 tablespoon water
  5. 1 teaspoon olive oil
  6. 2 cloves garlic, minced
  7. 1 teaspoon powdered ginger
  8. 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  9. Small amount of oil spray for frying
  1. Mix soy sauce, water, oil and seasonings. Cube the tofu, then add to marinade. Let sit for 30 minutes.
  2. Heat a pan over medium heat and fry the tofu (I used a spritz of grapeseed oil, but any kind would work) 1-2 minutes on each side (as in, all 6) till brown. Remove and set on a paper towel to drain.
  3. Add asparagus to the pan along with the remaining marinade (start with about 2/3 and add the rest as needed). Cook for 3-4 minutes, until they're tender yet crisp. Return the tofu to the pan to reheat, and mix together. Serve over brown rice or quinoa.
That Was Vegan? https://www.thatwasvegan.com/

Straw-bana Cabbage Smoothies

Strawbana Cabbage Smoothies | www.thatwasvegan.com

I’m a smoothie kind a girl.

Well, okay. Mostly I’m a ‘putting mac n’ cheese on my pizza‘ kind of girl, but I aspire to drink more smoothies.  I recently shared my delicious Cherry Beet Smoothie with you guys, and now I bring you this: the very adorably named Straw-bana Cabbage Smoothie!

I’ve been slacking lately, but when I can I like to carve out just 30 minutes on a Sunday afternoon to make a big ol’ blender full of smoothie, fill a mason jar and stuff it in the fridge for my breakfast on Monday morning. It’s not hard (the 30 minutes includes everything from cleaning and chopping the veggies to cleaning up afterward), and it’s something I really need to do every week.

Especially now that I have TWO delicious go-to smoothie recipes!

Strawbana Cabbage Smoothies | www.thatwasvegan.com

Besides (or more importantly than?) being easy to make, they’re crazy-full of vitamins and nutrients. And don’t think you need to take out a second mortgage to buy a $500 blender to make smoothies either! I use a Waring Bar Blender that I got at a local outlet store for like $80, and it works perfectly. It blends and chops everything, never overheats, and I’ve been perfectly happy with it.

My point is, get in that damn kitchen and pull out your blender, no matter what kind it is! And put some fruits and veggies in it. You’ll be glad you did!

Strawbana Cabbage Smoothies | www.thatwasvegan.com

Straw-bana Cabbage Smoothie
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  1. 4 frozen strawberries
  2. 1/2 banana
  3. 1 cutie (peeled)
  4. 1 tablespoon chia seeds
  5. Handful of spinach
  6. 1.5 cups chopped cabbage
  7. 3 tablespoons unsweetened vanilla yogurt
  8. 1/4 cup nondairy milk
  9. 3/4 cup water (if needed/have room)
  10. Ice
  1. Roughly chop your veggies, and add to the blender with all the other ingredients. If you're not super confident in your blender, put the ice on the bottom with the liquid, then add the rest on top 🙂
  2. Add the water as needed to thin it out if it's too thick.
  3. Drink right away or store in air-tight container.
That Was Vegan? https://www.thatwasvegan.com/

China Study All-Star Spring Clean Your Diet blog tour

Last November I posted about the China Study Cookbook, which has become one of my go-to books when I’m craving something healthy, low-fat, oil-free and delicious.  (Note: If you want a delicious summery dessert, go back and click through and check out that Fresh Strawberry Pie!) The same folks, namely Leanne Campbell, PhD., have put together a fantastic follow-up: The China Study All-Star Collection!

Who are these all-stars, you ask? Lindsay Nixon of Happy Herbivore, Laura Theodore of Jazzy Vegetarian, Chef AJ and Dreena Burton just to name a few! This cookbook is chock-full of delicious and healthy recipes: breakfast dishes, appetizers, soups, burgers, tacos, desserts and more! The best part is that I get to share a copy with one of you lucky readers! I’ve also shared one of the recipes below… Peanut Butter Fudge Truffles. #yum

Peanut Butter Fudge Truffles photo

But first, here’s a look at one delicious meal we made out of this book. Our friends Jamie and Mike came over for dinner (and rum drinks…), and Jamie and I made the Festive Kale Salad (pg. 75 by Laura Theodore), the Creamy Broccoli & Red Pepper Macaroni (pg. 157 by Heather Crosby), and the Thai Pineapple Curry (pg. 181 by Lindsay Nixon). Everything was delicious, although my favorite was definitely the pasta.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Peanut Butter Fudge Truffles
Yields 36
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  1. 1lb pitted dates
  2. 1 cup liquid (water, unsweetened nondairy milk, or unsweetened juice)
  1. 1 cup date paste
  2. 1 cup peanut butter (not salt or sugar)
  3. 1/2 cup raw cacao powder
  4. 1/2 cup unsweetened nondairy milk
  5. 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  6. Crushed peanuts
  1. Soak dates in liquid overnight or for several hours until much of the liquid is absorbed.
  2. In a food processor, process dates and liquid until completely smooth. You can store date paste in the refrigerator.
  3. Place all ingredients for Chocolate FUNdue in a food processor and process until ingredients are incorporated, scraping down the sides if necessary. Chill FUNdue until firm.
  4. Using a small retractable cookie scoop, drop FUNdue into crushed peanuts and coat evenly.
  1. Substitute cannellini beans for some of the nut butter for a lower-fat version.
  2. The FUNdue is also delicious when made with raw almond butter or tahini.
  3. Try dipping bananas in the FUNdue, rolling them in crushed nuts, and then freezing for a tasty treat.
That Was Vegan? https://www.thatwasvegan.com/

*The sponsors provided me with free product to review, but the opinions are 100% mine!


Veggie Hummus Spread (or Dip!)

Vegan Veggie Hummus Spread (or Dip!) | www.thatwasvegan.com

This Vegan Veggie Hummus Spread is the perfect filling for a lunchtime wrap, or even as a substitute for vegan mayo on your favorite sandwich. It also works fabulously as a dip, especially if you leave the veggies a bit chunkier.

This was actually inspired by a wrap my friend Cindy got from Trader Joe’s a while back. She shared it with me and neither of us could stop talking about how good it was.  I decided I needed something in my repertoire that would be that healthy and delicious AND that would be perfect for the summer. You know, those hot days when you don’t want to turn on the oven

Vegan Veggie Hummus Spread (or Dip!) | www.thatwasvegan.com

This spread/dip would also be great for picnics, or camping! Have I told you guys how much I love camping? Well, “camping”. As in, spending the weekend in a 24′ RV complete with beds, a couch, a stove, fridge and microwave, shower, etc…  I’ll take some pictures from our next trip to share. Even the little cocker dogs get in on the fun! They wear their cute little hoodies and run around off leash, it’s all very wild and outdoorsy, haha.

This sandwich, complete with some cancer-preventing cabbage would be delightful sitting outside in the sun after a long hike… with a G&T, of course!

Vegan Veggie Hummus Spread (or Dip!) | www.thatwasvegan.com

The best part about this recipe is that you can switch it up to include your favorite veggies. I used sweet potato in the hummus (along with the traditional chickpeas), and added radish, carrots, celery and broccoli to the mix. You could just go to your local farmer’s market and pick out your fave veggies and add those instead. And the recipe below includes homemade hummus, but you could totally cheat take a shortcut and use store-bought to save time.

Vegan Veggie Hummus Spread (or Dip!) | www.thatwasvegan.com

This is also the type of thing that’s great to make on a Sunday as you prep for the week. I like to take a tupperware full of it to leave in the fridge at work with carrot sticks for healthy mid-afternoon snacks. Yum.

Vegan Veggie Hummus Spread (or Dip!) | www.thatwasvegan.com


Veggie Hummus Spread (or Dip!)
A delicious way to sneak in more veggies!
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  1. 1 sweet potato, peeled and cubed (~1.5 cups)
  2. 1 can chickpeas, rinsed
  3. 1 tablespoon tahini
  4. 1 teaspoon cumin
  5. 1 teaspoon garlic
  6. 2 tablespoons olive oil
  7. 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  8. Salt to taste (I recommend a seasoned salt blend)
  9. 3/4 cup radish, washed and roughly chopped
  10. 2 carrots, washed and roughly chopped
  11. 2 stalks celery, washed and roughly chopped
  12. 1.5 cups broccoli, washed and roughly chopped
  1. Boil potato until soft. Add to food processor along with chickpeas, tahini, oil and lemon juice and all seasonings. Pulse until very smooth, then scrape into mixing bowl.
  2. Add all veggies to the food processor, and pulse until the pieces are the desired size. When I'm serving as a dip I tend to leave them a little larger than when I'm putting them in a wrap or sandwich. Scrape into mixing bowl and combine with hummus. Refrigerate for at least an hour before serving - it allows the potato to cool completely, and really lets the flavors meld together!
That Was Vegan? https://www.thatwasvegan.com/

Crunchy Potato Bites (and some new ink!)

Vegan Crunchy Potato Bites | www.thatwasvegan.com

Would you believe me if I told you I actually made these five months ago, and am just now getting around to sharing them? It’s true. I brought these to Jamie’s house for ThanksLiving last year. Shame on me for not sharing them with you guys sooner!

Speaking of things I want to share with you, I got a new tattoo on Saturday! Then, on Sunday I took it for a hike…

Vegan Crunchy Potato Bites | www.thatwasvegan.com

Do you see those teeny-tiny houses way down at the bottom right? That’s where we started. And this shot was taken only like halfway up the mountain.

So, what I’m saying in this: Not only do I have a neck tattoo, I also climb mountains. I am the most badass person you know! 🙂

Here’s the close-up of my new ink I shared on Instagram on Saturday, when it was brand new…

Vegan Crunchy Potato Bites | www.thatwasvegan.com

And just one more, an action shot!

Vegan Crunchy Potato Bites | www.thatwasvegan.com

 Can you tell I’m proud of my new ink?

Okay, so Crunchy Potato Balls!

Vegan Crunchy Potato Bites | www.thatwasvegan.com

They’re easy to make, and are a fun appetizer or finger food. You could dip them in plain ol’ ketchup or fancy it up a bit. I’m thinking a Sriracha-Ketchup would be delightful! They’re also good just on their own, honestly, sprinkled with some salt and pepper.

Vegan Crunchy Potato Bites | www.thatwasvegan.com


Crunchy Potato Bites
This might be the best use for leftover mashed potatoes EVER!
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  1. 2 cups chilled, leftover mashed potatoes
  2. 1 cup shredded vegan cheese
  3. 1/4 cup vegan mayo
  4. 1 teaspoon dijon mustard
  5. 2 tablespoons AP flour
  6. 1 1/4 cups crushed corn flakes
  7. 1/4 cup sesame seeds
  8. S&P
  1. Combine the potatoes, cheese, mayo, mustard and flour. Refrigerate for 1-2 hours.
  2. Combine the corn flakes and sesame seeds in a shallow dish. Shape the potato mixture into 1" balls, then roll in the corn flake mix. Place on baking sheet (use parchment paper for best results!), and sprinkle with S&P.
  3. Bake at 350 for 25-30 minutes, and serve hot with dipping sauce of choice.
  1. If you want to make these ahead, you can prep the balls and then freeze them!
Adapted from Taste of Home
Adapted from Taste of Home
That Was Vegan? https://www.thatwasvegan.com/

Changing Your Outlook

Happy Monday! I’m sharing another of my Tofu U posts today, and if you enjoy it I hope you’ll head over to Nasoya’s awesome website and give it some love! I’m having a ton of fun coming up with recipes and other content for their Dean’s List… and I hope you guys are finding it helpful and interesting!


Changing Your Outlook | www.thatwasvegan.com

So here you are. You’ve decided to make changes to the way you eat. It could be for your health, or your love of animals. Maybe it’s at the behest of your physician, or perhaps it’s just the next step in your personal journey. No matter the reason, you’re facing quite a few changes. You’re trying all sorts of new foods, and probably missing some of your old favorites. Change can be scary, but while you can’t control everything, you absolutely can control your outlook!


 Don’t focus on what you can’t eat. Instead, enjoy all the amazing, delicious and healthful foods you can have!

You aren’t eating dairy anymore? You can still enjoy creamy sauces like Spicy Pumpkin Cream Sauce and Roasted Red Pepper Alfredo. Cutting back on the amount of meat in your diet? Why not treat yourself to someGreen Chile Beer Battered Tofuor a few slices of Sriracha-Agave Baked Tofu? There are endless numbers of healthy vegetarian and plant-based recipes out there, so keep trying until you find something you love.


 Don’t think about vegetables or tofu (or anything else!) as substitutes for the foods you’re no longer eating. They are delicious, enjoyable foods, not just replacements!

If you’re using tofu in a meal that you used to make with chicken, you shouldn’t expect it to taste the same, because it won’t. It can still be tasty and satisfying (and it’ll certainly be healthier!), but it will be different. And that’s okay! It’s not a substitute, remember? It’s an entirely different food.


 Be kind to yourself!

No one is perfect. No matter what your dietary goals are, give yourself time to adjust. I tried to go vegetarian no fewer than 4 times before it finally stuck, and I credit the success of my final attempt to going slowly and in stages. It’s okay to start with Meatless Mondays, and then continue to add plant-based meals into your rotation. It’s perfectly fine to set a series of smaller, more attainable goals. Meaningful change takes time.

No matter what your goals are or how you plan to accomplish them, you’ll need a positive attitude if you’re going to succeed. Focus on what you’re gaining by eating healthier, have fun trying new foods, and most importantly, go easy on yourself! Make changes at your own pace, and you’ll get to where you’re going before long!


Mile High Vegan Eats: Phonatic

Do you love Pho? Are you a Pho-natic?

Mile High Vegan Eats: Phonatic

I am. I can’t get enough. When we were in Vietnam earlier this year I ate pho (or some variation of noodle soup) every day. Sometimes more than once a day. Now that I’m back in Denver I still want to eat it (although, a little less often), so I’m lucky to work so close to Phonatic. It’s considered by many to be the best pho in Denver. And I’m talking the best pho overall, not just the best vegetarian pho, so if you have meat-eating buddies who are down to slurp some soup, you should absolutely take them here.

What do I order? If I’m extra hungry, I start with the spring rolls:

Mile High Vegan Eats: Phonatic

Tofu, mint, basil… pretty standard Vietnamese spring rolls. Very tasty, but also very large. Even eating one could ruin your appetite!

My #1 dish here is the pho, obvs.

Mile High Vegan Eats: Phonatic

This is just a medium, and it’s enormous. I take the leftovers back to the office and reheat them for breakfast the next morning. No shame in my game! The tofu pho comes with vegetarian broth (although I always like to ask specifically for the veg broth because I’m kind of a nervous nellie. If you know me in IRL this doesn’t surprise you. I’ve been accused of channeling Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally when I order a meal…)

The tofu is springy and the broth is flavorful. I like to spice mine up with a bit of Sriracha (but not too much!), and I swear I could eat that thai basil straight!

Once in a while I’ll switch it up and order the Noodle Bowl. The tofu in there is insanely delicious, and there are tons of veggies in there: cucumbers, daikon and carrots to name a few.

Mile High Vegan Eats: Phonatic

There’s also a tofu rice bowl you can get, where the tofu is the same as the noodle bowl, but I haven’t tried that one yet.

Want more Denver-area restaurant reviews? Check out my Mile High Vegan Eats page!

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