What is Dryuary?
Dryuary (also called Drynuary or Dry January) is the decision to give up drinking for the entire month of January. It’s been around for a while now, and judging from my twitter and facebook feeds, quite a few people are into it!
I’ve decided to take the Dryuary challenge for a couple of reasons. One is that I really want to focus more on my health this year, and I think a month without alcohol would be a great jumpstart. The other is that I haven’t been sleeping well lately, and alcohol is a very likely culprit.
I’m not a heavy drinker, and tend to abstain on most weeknights anyway… but I do love my wine! And I know that alcohol I consume on the weekends could still be affecting my sleeping during the week.
So here we are! Starting at midnight on December 31st I will be officially undertaking the Dryuary Challenge, and although part of me is dreading it (no glass of cabernet while cooking?) part of me is looking forward to sleeping better and feeling better.
I’ll be blogging about it weekly as a way to hold myself accountable because I know willpower is not always my strong suit.
You can track my progress throughout the month:
Are any of you doing Dryuary, or another health challenge in the new year?

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Yes! I plan to do the same. Look forward to joining along with you.
Great! We got this! 🙂