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Liquid Sunshine: A Lemony Basil Vodka Cocktail

Liquid Sunshine: A Lemony Basil Vodka Cocktail | www.thatwasvegan.com

I love a hot summer day, it’s the perfect excuse to join your friends for a cold one, preferably somewhere with an outdoor patio. These roasty days are also fantastic for relaxing in your own backyard with friends and family,  or curling up on your own patio with a book and a homemade cocktail, like my summer-inspired Liquid Sunshine!

Lemon, basil, vodka… just a few of my favorite things. Throw in some ice and it’s summer ready!

Here’s where I’ll be enjoying mine, listening to my carefully curated classical music playlist on Pandora. Sidenote: I also have an Apple music subscription and tend to use that the most, but I spent YEARS on the Pandora classical one and just can’t quit it. Right now I’m reading Lauren Graham’s memoir Talking As Fast As I Can and my summer fave Wish You Were Here by Stewart O’Nan – a book I’ve read probably 8 times.

My Lovely Yard

Also? I’ve read 48 books so far this year. Go me!

Liquid Sunshine: A Lemony Basil Vodka Cocktail | www.thatwasvegan.com

There’s plenty of hot days left this summer to get outside and enjoy a frosty cocktail, and I definitely recommend you make it this one. Unless of course you’d prefer a Strawberry Basil G&T, because those are pretty fantastic as well!


Liquid Sunshine Cocktail
Serves 2
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  1. 4 basil leaves, muddled
  2. Ice
  3. 2 shots vodka
  4. Lemon seltzer water
  5. Sliced lemon for garnish, if desired
  1. Place your muddled leaves at the bottom of each glass (or muddle in the glass) and cover completely with ice. Pour the vodka and seltzer over the ice and stir gently, so as not to bring all the basil to the top. Garnish and enjoy!
  1. You can muddle the basil leaves in the bottom of the glass with a wooden spoon if you lack the fancy bar gear!
  2. I used short, rocks glasses, but whatever you prefer is fine. If using tall glasses, you can double the shots.
That Was Vegan? https://www.thatwasvegan.com/
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  • Bianca June 29, 2017, 3:50 pm

    Yes! I love fizzy water cocktails. Such a low-cal way to take in my booze. Who needs mixers when you can save those calories for extra shots???

  • Starr July 1, 2017, 1:02 pm

    Sounds so clean and refreshing! Perfect for this hot holiday weekend!

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