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Chick’n Fajita Nachos

Fajita Nachos | www.thatwasvegan.com

When you’re craving a big ol’ plate of salty, gooey, nacho deliciousness… but not just any nachos will do, I suggest you try these Chick’n Fajita Nachos! SO flavorful, SO easy to make, and SO satisfying to your tummy. 

They’re also: fun, finger-eatable, and have enough veggies that you can eat a batch for dinner and feel perfectly fine about it. 

What’s in ’em? Sweet peppers and onions and (if you like, but not strictly necessary) mock chicken. I used Beyond Meat strips, but any kind would work- even my homemade chicken style seitan if you’re feeling all Martha Stewarty. So, you cook all that up with a bunch of fajita seasonings, then you pile it on a plate full of chips along with lots of spicy cheese and some fresh basil because it’s summer now (almost) and I’m gonna put fresh basil on everything, dammit! 

Fajita Nachos | www.thatwasvegan.com

Seriously though, don’t skip the basil. It’s fantastic!

So, there are your basic Fajita Nachos… you can take it a couple steps further and add some pico de gallo: 

Fajita Nachos | www.thatwasvegan.com

And some avocado and vegan sour cream:

Fajita Nachos | www.thatwasvegan.com

This is your party, people. Add whatever you want! Just don’t skip the cheese (I used Daiya pepperjack shred and melted them in a pan with a little unsweetened almond milk and a diced jalapeno).

Whatever you put on there, you really can’t go wrong. And although the recipe is technically for two, well… lets just say I ate almost the entire thing myself the other night. It was Saturday, which was date night with Sally and Teddy. The AC was cranking and we were all settled in with a bottle of rosé and The Wire, which we’re currently binge-watching. (We’re on Season 3, and other than the laughably old cell phones and other various technologies, it’s pretty good!). 

On a side note, I’m taking the month of June off from dating, and it’s going really well. I’d hate to be accused of defamation or slander, so lets just say… the last couple jokers were definitely not what I have in mind for myself. Plus I’m traveling a lot this month, so it worked out well timing-wise for a little break! And it gives me more time to focus on Mr. Theodore Maximus who, beeteedubs, is fitting in just perfectly in his new pack! 

Also, not dating means I get to spend Saturday night on the couch. With these. 

Fajita Nachos | www.thatwasvegan.com


Fajita Nachos
Serves 2
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  1. 6 mini sweet peppers, sliced
  2. 1/2 sweet onion, chopped
  3. 1/4 cup fajita seasoning
  4. 1/2-3/4 bag Beyond Meat strips, thawed, chopped into small cubes (if desired)
  5. 3/4 cup vegan cheese (I used Daiya pepperjack shreds)
  6. 3-4 tablespoons unsweetened nondairy milk, more as needed
  7. 1/2 jalapeno, diced
  8. 10-12 basil leaves, sliced
  9. 1/2-3/4 bag tortilla chips
  10. Other toppings as desired: pico de gallo, avocado, sour cream, etc
  1. Water saute the veggies with the fajita seasoning mixed in for 2-3 minutes. Stir in the cubed chick'n (if using) and cook for another 2 minutes. You want there to be some saucey liquid in the pan with your veggies and chick'n!
  2. In a separate pot, combine the cheese, milk, and jalapeno and melt over medium heat until creamy. Add as much milk as you need to get a good, pour-able consistency.
  3. Heat the chips on a plate in your oven for just a few minutes, then add the fajita mix and top with plenty of the cheese and basil. Add additional toppings as your little heart desires!
That Was Vegan? https://www.thatwasvegan.com/
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  • AnnMarie June 14, 2016, 7:43 am

    #NeverSettle 🙂 Also these nachos look phenomenal!

    • Barb June 15, 2016, 10:12 am

      Agreed on both counts!

  • Starr June 17, 2016, 1:07 pm

    Yes Please to all the toppings! These look mouthwatering! 😀

  • Bianca Phillips June 22, 2016, 1:13 pm

    A night on the couch with nachos and pups sounds way better than any date night with another human. Nacho dates for the win!!! These look so good and this reminds me that it’s been way too long since I’ve had BM chicken. It’s super-overpriced at our Whole Foods (went up from $5 a pkg to $7 in the last year or so). But I recently discovered that it’s way cheaper at Target! Need to stock up!

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