I read a lot. A LOT.
Since I was a kid I could always be found with my nose in a book. My Grandma and Grandpa gave me the Little House boxed set when I was little, and I pretty much memorized them. (True story: I still have them!). I always read well above my own grade level, including some of Anne Rice’s erotic literature at the ripe young age of 12.
It was a trilogy and I was only halfway through the first one when my mom found them and took them away. Oops. Fortunately for me she wasn’t very good at hiding them. I quickly found them, and snuck them back one at a time to read them. When I was done, all three were left in her hiding spot, and to this day I don’t think she knows I discovered them 😉 I don’t blame her for taking them away. They were pretty racy! Made those Fifty Shades books look like YA fiction…
Then, as a young idealistic college student I decided I was going to read the entire canon before I turned 30. Umm… didn’t happen.
ANYWAY. I read tons. I listen to audio books while commuting (except, of course, when I’m listening to Serial!), and I read while I eat lunch at my desk, and I read at night before I go to bed. I mostly get ebooks from the library on my ipad, but if it’s a special book I’ll fork out for a hard copy.
I really haven’t kept track of what I’m reading though, which is a shame. And I haven’t been reading with intention. I haven’t put much thought into what I read, and that’s a shame.
I think it would be nice, this time next year, to be able to look back and see every book I read. Plus I see other bloggers, like my pal Angie, doing it and I think it looks like fun! So, starting here and now, I’ll keep track. At the beginning of each month I’ll lay out the books I’m planning to read. At the end of the month I’ll check back in and give my opinion, and share my books for the next month.
Definitely please feel free to chime in via comment with your own reviews, and any recommendations you have for me! I think you’ll find my taste in books to be interesting, varied, and eclectic. Sometimes even downright weird.
Okay, lets go!
Books for January 2015
- Scatter, Adapt, and Remember: How Humans Will Survive a Mass Extinction by Annalee Newitz … I actually bought this book about a year ago and it made the trip to SE Asia with us. I had started to read it, but as soon as we got to Cambodia I bought a couple books about the local history and switched to those. So, time to pick it back up!
- Entering the Shift Age: The End of the Information Age and the New Era of Transformation by David Houle … This has a similar backstory to the one above – I started reading it, LOVED it, and then never finished it. Pattern?
- My Story by Elizabeth Smart … The story of Elizabeth Smart has always fascinated me. I remember when she was found, and how surprising that was. I cannot even imagine what she and her family went through.
- 20th Century Ghosts by Joe Hill … I’ve read a couple books by Joe Hill and enjoyed them all. For those of you who don’t know, he’s Stephen King’s son and writes amazing scary fiction!
- The Wild Truth by Carine McCandless … You’ve probably read the book Into the Wild or seen the movie (or both). This book, written by his sister, tells the story of his upbringing, the domestic violence and everything else that led to his life ending in that bus in the middle of Alaska.

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I am really excited that you will be sharing! I love getting book ideas from like-minded people. I am really interested to hear about the Carine McCandles book, Into the Wild is one of my favorites.
It’s amazing so far!
I read a lot, too! I keep track of everything via Goodreads. I honestly don’t know what I’d do without it! 🙂 Elizabeth Smart’s book was one of my favorites from this year. She’s such an inspiration.
Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll check that out!
I plan to read a bit more this year but I did quite a few books in in 2014. I tend to go in phases where I’ll read a ton for a few months and then not much for a while, I’d like to be more consistent for sure. I love the sound of Into the Wild, I’ll have to check that one out! I’ve read the Elizabeth Smart one but I can’t remember much about it off the top of my head. Like Meredith, I use Goodreads to keep track of what I’ve read..it’s good for finding new books to read too! Find on the list for me this year is Creativity Inc. and Everybody Writes. Looking forward to delving in! Happy New Year!
I’ll have to look at those titles, and Goodreads sounds like a great tool!
OMG, I thought I was the only person who read those Anne Rice books! I haven’t read Fifty Shades, but from what I remember about those Rice books, I’m sure they are waaaay more, um, well, provocative, to say the least. I really had to hide mine too, living with a very devout Baptist Christian aunt.
I really hope you like 20th Century Ghosts. I’m very picky about short stories; to me, most just are not written well. Hill completely revived the genre for me. I wish he would do another collection, but I would settle for anything new from him! I can’t wait to hear how you do!
The AR books are more graphic and def more well-written. I love that you read those too 🙂
I love the idea of being more mindful about reading. I read dozens of books every year and barely retain the titles. (I do know that I am currently reading The Goldfinch, so all is not lost). I look forward to following along and maybe reading a few titles you recommend.
great list!