Confession time: I’m totally copying my blogger-friend Annie right now. She’s been going back and updating some of her photos, which is a fabulous idea. All food bloggers have those early recipes and pictures that they’re maybe a little bit embarrassed less proud of.
And it’s more than just pride, of course. This recipe for Vegan Creamy Pasta Alfredo with Spinach, Tomatoes, and Mushrooms is a perfect example. It’s totally delicious, but my pictures from waaaaay back in April, 2012 just didn’t get that across. No one is going to trip over themselves to try a recipe when the picture only looks mediocre, right? The pictures need to draw you in, maybe make you drool a little bit.
I think these ones do that.
You can get this delicious pasta recipe here.
I also wanted to show you my beautiful little plant. I bought her at Lowes, and I can’t remember what the fruit is. It’s a lemon/orange hybrid. Maybe a Rangpur?
Rangpurs are apparently every popular and I’ve seen flavored products popping up all over. Including gin, which is obviously my favorite rangpur-flavored-product EVER.
Anyway, I just thought they were super pretty and wanted to share!
As you’re reading this I’m on my way to the Gunnison National Forest for some serious glamping and hiking! We’re staying in an area that I’ve been wanted to visit for more than a year (The Uncompaghre Wildnerness) and I’m beyond excited. I’ll be back next week with some pictures… have a great weekend!

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I’ve been very tempted at times to delete those old, awful photos – but almost all of us started out that way, so – it’s kind of fun/funny.
Have a wonderful time camping!!
I love the new pics! Are you going to share the recipe for that awesome looking garlic bread?
Hi Barb! I am coming here to say, wow, I am totally making this pasta dish! And to also say thank you for your note on “ze blog”–though I am driving a new laptop now and my flash fingers hit the wrong key and deleted it accidentally–oops! So sorry! But I wanted to say thank for the note and I love keeping up with my vegan friends–so not going anywhere anytime soon (though I had my moments)! Big hugs to you!