File this one under “Really Random Casseroles”, but make sure it’s cross-referenced under “Delicious” too! It’s my famous (??) Butternut Squash Mac n’ Cheese combined with my Sloppy Joe sammich filling and was inspired by one of those recipe magazines that litter the checkout aisle at nearly every grocery store in the world. You know the ones. I don’t know if I’ve shared this quirk habit of mine before, but I like to peruse them while I wait and if I see something that just needs veganizing I take a pic of the recipe with my phone. I’ve gotten some comments (“What a good idea!”) and more than a few strange looks but no way am I going to support those animal-protein-and-cruelty-pushing companies with my dollars, thankyouverymuch!
<steps down, puts away soap box>
So, anyway, my phone picture gallery is pretty much stuffed with ideas gleaned from the checkout aisles. This particular one came from Taste Of Home magazine who has some really great photography. Unfortunately their picture is better than mine but I can content myself with the fact that mine is better because it’s cruelty-free and wont give you cancer 🙂
And it’s reeeaaalllly cheesy!

Macaroni and Cheese Sloppy Joe Casserole (makes 8-10 large servings)
Adapted from non-vegan/vegetarian recipe
- 1 batch Sloppy (Vegan) Joes, minus the pickles
- 1 batch Butternut Squash Mac n’ Cheese (You may have a little bit leftover, depending on how full you stuff this casserole dish… so enjoy it!)
- Salt & pepper
- Diced tomatoes for garnish, if desired
- Preheat oven to 375. Spray inside of 9×13 baking dish with non-stick spray. Begin adding mac n’ cheese around the outer edges of the dish, just a few scoops, about an inch high, then add about an inch of sloppy joe to the center. Repeat until the dish is full. Sprinkle with salt & pepper.
- Cover and bake for about 30 minutes. Remove foil and bake for another 5 minutes until the cheese is nice and gooey. Add tomatoes if desired.

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Mmm good! You’re forcing me out into the kitchen again and I want to thank you for doing so.
Your recipes have become staples in our household. Yay! Good on you!
Thanks, that’s such a sweet compliment! I know how you feel though… I took a bit of a break (more of slow-down, really) from cooking, and now I’m all revved back up!
As I look out the window at the fresh sprinkling of snow on the ground – this casserole is looking mighty warm and comforting!
I think that’s the perfect way to describe it!
Sloppy joe’s with mac and cheese?! I am loving this idea! It looks amazing.
It’s kind of fun, right?
Oh Barb!!! Every day, you BLOW ME AWAY with awesomeness! Jesus. 🙂 Pinning this!
You better stop… my head is getting even bigger.. 🙂
You can’t lose when you combine 2 kinds of comfort foods. Perfect for a freezing, snowy day like today!
I know… I had a cold appetizer I was going to post today, but it just didn’t seem right!
Girl, I think I’d leave the pickles in. I want a big huge bowl of this! 🙂 Congrats on self hosting. I may have some questions for you in a few months 😉
I don’t know about the pickles… 🙂 And of course, I’m happy to answer any questions. I actually did the file transfer on my own, saved the $129 “Happiness Engineer” fee, ha ha.
Self hosting? Is that why it looks different here? I thought it was my imagination 🙂
The casserole sounds delicious! I’m always up for vegan mac & cheese!
It is, and thanks! 🙂
Amazing Barb! Good old comfort food right there 🙂
WOW this looks so so good! This is absolutely Justin’s kind of meal – he would be in total heaven if he lived with you 🙂