This was my first vegan food swap and IT WAS AWESOME! If you haven’t heard of the Vegan Food Swap, well… it’s where people swap vegan food. Pretty simple, right? Cat from The Verdent Life pairs you up someone to send you a box, and third person for you to send one to. Lots of fun, and the cool part is that you don’t need to be a blogger to participate- it’s open to readers too! Check out the details on how it works, and maybe you’ll join for October’s!

I was paired up with a blog reader in California named Thang who prefers savory and spicy over sweet. Luckily my local vegan store Nooch carries plenty of yummy items to choose from! As you can see from this cell phone pic taken in my office moments before packing up the box, I sent he:
- a cup of Dr. McDougall’s spicy szechuan noodle soup (which Thang tells me she ate first!),
- a package of Leahy Gardens instant macaroni and cheese,
- a bottle of Parma- chipotle cayenne flavor
- a bag of Stonewall Jerquee teriyaki beef (I’ve had these, very yum!)
- a tube of Hurraw lip balm, black cherry flavor
Not pictured is the note which also didn’t make it into the box. Sigh. I took a picture of it and emailed it to her, ha ha. Let’s just hope I get better at this next month, right?
I was also matched up with the fabulous Cobi of Veggietorials and she sent me so many delicious vegan treats!

Sorry for yet another cell phone picture. I didn’t have my camera at home the day the package came and I think we all know these packages weren’t going to stay intact very long 🙂 Cobi sent me raw, sprouted teriyaki sunflower seeds, dark chocolate sweetened with coconut, coconut-chocolate chip cookies, crispy seaweed snacks, moong dal and a beautiful card. I tore (practically simultaneously) into the cookies and sunflower seeds and they were amazing. EVERYTHING was amazing, but those two were my favorites. Thank you so much Cobi!
Confession time: I ate almost that entire bag of sunflower seeds that first afternoon, but it wasn’t my fault! I was rushing home just after lunchtime (which I had skipped because I was driving) to get the house ready for a last minute showing (this was before we went under contract). Showings are a little stressful because I have to get all 3 dogs out of the house and the aren’t great on leashes (at least not as a group) nor do they like riding in the car… but I’m jumping ahead of myself.
So I’m driving home, thinking about how little time I have, when I see two dogs- a golden retriever and a corgi- running up a busy street, towards an even busier intersection. They were alone and even though I was running late there was obviously only one choice to be made, so I swerved onto a side street ahead of them and jumped out of the car. Luckily they were both very friendly and had no compunctions about getting into a car with a stranger! Literally, I said “Who wants to go for a ride in the car?” and they couldn’t get in fast enough!
They had collars but no tags, so this clearly wasn’t going to be a quick and simple rescue mission. I got back on the road towards home but had no idea what I was going to do with them once I got there. Potential buyers were going to be at my house in an hour, and I didn’t think I could handle these two on leashes in addition to my 3 crazies, so I called my realtor. She lives just a couple doors down from me and said I could bring them over to her house. She called the local Humane Society and made a ‘found dog report’ and less than 10 minutes later was on the phone with the doggie’s owner who’s fence had blown down. Phew, crisis averted!
Here’s a pic she took of the two cuties at her house- such good dogs!!

But wait, you’re probably wondering what this has to do with sunflower seeds and cookies, right? Well, when I got home after dropping the dogs off at my realtor’s house, Cobi’s package was waiting on my front porch. So as soon as I straightened up and got the dogs over the park, I was finally able to tear in and eat my first food in about 8 hours. So, long story short, I owe Cobi and even bigger thank you because if it wasn’t for that box of treats I wouldn’t have eaten for another couple of hours!

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I got a box a few months back from Cobi – it was also delicious!
this sounds like so much fun! and I can’t wait to go to Nooch!
You sold me on the food swap…well, you or the delicious sunflower seeds. 🙂 Plus, who doesn’t love getting a happy package in the mail?
That’s right, I didn’t eat ALL of them… you had some 🙂
Awwww, that’s so awesome Barb! I always see dogs and want to stop, but I’m afraid of what I’ll do with them when I get home. I have 8 pets now because I (or my partner) stopped and picked up strays. So I worry that I’d end up with 9….but I know that’s not the right thing. I need to follow your example. You are awesome!
Aww thanks! I always stop, but unfortunately I don’t always catch the dog- many are so scared they just bolt 🙁
I need to get in on that. I did another food swap once and my supposed sendee bailed on me. I got nothing 🙁 as you can see I’m still scarred. A vegan wouldn’t do that to me, right? 😉
What a great box – isn’t the swap so much fun!!! I LOVE the Stonewall Jerquee so so good 🙂