Against all odds, my sweet Basset Hound has made it to her 13th birthday! Considering that I’ve spent the last month or so trying to prepare myself to say goodbye to her, I’m shocked. Pleasantly shocked, of course, but shocked nonetheless. My sweet baby continues to hang in there, and I’m hopeful that I’ll get at least a few more good weeks with her.
I took these pictures sometime during the winter (lest you think the drought is so bad my grass looks like this now!), and they give you a pretty accurate glimpse into one of Betty’s favorite pastimes…
First, she rolls:

Next, she shakes vigorously:

Then she looks around to make sure no one was watching:

Then, depending on her mood she might lay down and rest:

But her favorite thing to do at that point would be to head back into the house, covered in all that dead brown grass, and leave it all over the floor. I don’t have a picture of that… 🙂
Happy Birthday, Betty! Mama loves you!

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Aw, happy birthday Betty!
There’s life in her yet! She looks great! I am in the same position as you, my cat celebrated her 21st birthday this year. Keep preparing myself for that final decision that will have to be made for her. I was having this discussion with my mum, saying that I’d pay extra for the vet to make a house call (cat detests the vet) and that night she went out and caught a mouse! If that’s not a hint, I don’t know what is!
I love that hint! My childhood cat used to bring me mice as presents. Gotta love it!
Congrats Barb and the Happiest of Birthdays to Betty. She’s so angelic. May I ask you your mailing address so that I can send Betty a snail mail Happy Birthday card. My email is
My friends dog(s) birthday is today similar situation. I will post on my fb page happy dog birthday to Betty and Peppy. My friend is not on FB.
Happy birthday, Betty! She’s a loved and happy doggie.
Happy Birthday sweet Betty!
What a sweet baby! Happy Birthday Betty!
Happy Birthday Sweet Betty – so happy that you were able to celebrate another year together <3
Happy Birthday Betty
Betty just keeps on truckin’! Happy birthday to one eyed Betty!
awwww, so cute!!