I’ve made it six days so far, including one long weekend (I am on a flex schedule, and get every other Friday off. This past weekend was one of my 3-day weekends) and I’m feeling good!
- I’m sleeping better! It took a while, but the last two nights have been wonderful. Last night especially, I slept for a solid six hours before waking up for the first time, and then I quickly fell back to sleep.
- Per my Fitbit, my resting heart rate is down to 68 BPM (from 69 last week… not sure how meaningful of a change that is?)
- And… I’ve lost 5 lbs! Now, we have to keep in mind that some of that is just water weight (thanks for all that bloat, alcohol!), and I’ve also been a bit more physically active this week. In my mind, the biggest contributing factor is that when I drink I become a mindless eater. Or perhaps mindless hoover is more accurate because I will inhale anything that isn’t nailed down. So in addition to the alcohol calories, I’m also avoiding those eating-after-I’m-already-stuffed calories.
My final tally at the grocery store this week was also a lot lower, with no wine or bourbon in my cart, haha!
I don’t want to say these are problems but there are some things I’m having to get used to. One thing is that, without alcohol, I find TV really boring! Again, not a bad thing… leaves more time to be productive or work on other hobbies. I have a ton of things around the house to get done (I’m almost done painting, woot!), and I read AN ENTIRE STEPHEN KING NOVEL this weekend. The Institute was really good! Not one of his longest, but all of his books are pretty long, so it feels like an accomplishment.
I still have quite a bit of post-remodel organizing that I want to get done and I think this will be the month to do it. Wish me luck!
And how about YOU! If you’re doing Dryuary (or Drynuary or Dry January) let us know how you’re doing so far!

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