Who says online friends can’t become IRL friends? Not I! Angie and I first became acquainted in October 2012 through the old monthly vegan swap. Bloggers and readers would sign up to participate, and we’d be matched… and send each other boxes of vegan deliciousness. It was a lot of fun, although also a lot of work for the organizers which is probably why it no longer exists. Anyway, back then Angie had signed up and drew my (lucky) name… and proceeded to send me the best box I ever received- mostly because of these chocolate chip cookies from Loving Hut. And also because I had just spent a day flying back from DC with a broken foot, had lost my car at DIA, then had to drive over an hour home and got there after midnight. It was a rough day, but this box was waiting for me on the front step and it made everything better.
Fast forward a bit and Angie now has two great blogs: Angie Eats Peace, where she shares her vegan journey, and Spiritual Bahana where she and her spiritual “sister” blog about religion and spiritualism. They call it “A girl, a gay, and God” which I love.
So we were reading each other’s blogs and even guest posting for each other here and there, but we still hadn’t met in person. But we finally did! We had brunch the other morning in Boulder at Tangerine. The food was delicious, but the company was even better!
We each had The Vegan, which was tempeh, avocado, fresh arugula, sauteed spinach, eggplant caponata, pinto beans, almond romesco sauce and walnut pesto. Delicious, and healthy, and perfect for brunch on a hot day.
And Angie? She’s that person who can only be described as beautiful, both inside and out. She emanates gentleness and understanding and empathy, and just being around her is calming. She really makes me want to do more yoga haha! Her MIL lives in Estes Park, so we’re hoping to plan a snowshoeing outing this winter, which would be great. Angie, I’m so glad we finally met!
Okay, podcasts!
I take the bus back and forth to work most days, and I’ve found this is time best spent with my earbuds in and a “Don’t talk to me” look on my face. Sometimes I’ll listen to audio books or music, but mostly I’m listening to podcasts. There are a few that I really love, and wanted to share with you in case you’re looking for any new ones to listen to.
In no particular order…
- Lore with Aaron Mahnke: I know lots of people have jumped on the Lore bandwagon, but I have to brag and say I’ve been a listener since the get. Mahnke has an incredibly voice and is a great story teller, which really draws you in… but the stories themselves are of course the hook. True life scary stories is what this podcast is all about, many of which are quite historical. And there is a tv show in the works (from the producers of The Walking Dead, no less), which I will definitely be DVRing!
- Awesome Etiquette with actual relatives of Emily Post: The premise of this one is simple – listeners send in emails with etiquette questions, and these two answer. Very much like the Emily Post columns back in the day, except way more fun! These two are young, hip, hilarious AND very polite. You’ll actually learn from this podcast, but you’ll also laugh and be amused.
- My Favorite Murder with Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark: I’ve only recently started listening to this one, but I literally can’t get enough. I listen on the bus. I listen at home while playing with the kittens. While cleaning the kitchen. Also, I want to be BFFs with both of these women. They are so funny and witty and uproarious and over-the-top. Nothing would delight me more than to have them over for wine and snacks and murder talk. Basically these podcasts are the two of them comparing the true crime stories they like best. They’ll say the things that it’s not always socially acceptable to say (for example, that you’re obsessed with true crime stories), and they’re willing to admit their weaknesses (they’re both scared silly of being home alone after dark). The two things are certainly related.
- Fresh Air with Terry Gross: Probably everyone already listens to this one, but I never get tired of Terry. She’s so smart and the topics she explores are all so interesting (How the New England Colonists Embraced the Slave Trade, or Bracing for Zika in the US). I especially love when she interviews book authors- some of the best book recommendations have come from Fresh Air!
- Young House Love Has a Podcast: I feel rather basic for admitting that I enjoy this podcast, but I do. I love DIY and “real life” design (as opposed to design that costs a gazillion dollars), and I always used to read their blog. If you liked the blog, you’ll like the podcast. If you found the blog annoying, well… you get it.
I have an iphone so I get my podcasts directly from My Podcasts, but these are also available via iTunes or Stitcher. Tell us, what are your favorite podcasts?

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What a great connection you and Angie have made! I’m going to check out her blogs 🙂 I LOVE listening to podcasts and I have so many that keep piling up. I need to make more of a point to listen while I’m cooking dinner and not just while I’m on the treadmill (which really makes the time fly–thank goodness). Some of my favorites are Criminal, Mystery Show (which I hope does a 2nd season!), Revisionist History (a new favorite), Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me (great for car trips), The Moth, and This American Life. My son keeps bugging me about listening to Disclosed–he loves that one. It’s so hard to make time for reading books and listening to podcasts! Never enough hours in the day. By the way, we need to sync up sometime in Boulder or Fort Collins for a vegan lunch!
I looooooved Mystery Show, but it seems like it’s never coming back? Which I don’t understand because it was so popular. I’ve tweeted them asking if there will be a season 2, but no response. Undisclosed is also fantastic, I’ll have to include that one in my next round-up. They have a new season but I haven’t started it yet. I’ll have to check out Criminal, it sounds right up my alley.
And yes, we must! I’ll email you 🙂
Thank you <3
I’m a huge fan of Lore… and I also really like WTF with Marc Maron!
I started listing to WTF when he interviewed Obama (that was great!), but didn’t really stay into it… I’m not sure why. I need to check it out again!
Thank you for all the kindness. It was SO wonderful to meet up with you and I look forward to more fun in December!
I am a podcast addict so thank you for the new recs!
Also love Lore! But I have to take breaks cause Aaron’s style gets on my nerves sometimes. But I love the stories! I need to check out My Favorite Murder because I’m super-creepily obsessed with true crime.
My very fave podcast is Rise & Resist!! Veganism, feminism, punk rock, and fitness — all my fave things! Plus, Lacy and Holly are just the BEST!
Also loving Smash Everything (feminist podcast), Generation Why (true crime, but the hosts kind of get on my nerves too), The American Life (because duh), No Meat Athlete (veganism & running), Vegan Warrior Princesses Attack (feminism & veganism — I guess that’s kind of a theme, here!), Our Hen House, Vegan Snack Attack, The Runners World Podcast, Human Race (Runner’s World’s human interest story podcast), and Food for Thought by Colleen Patrick Goudreau. Whew…that’s a lot. I can’t keep up with most of these, but I never miss an episode of Rise & Resist.