Hello internets! It’s Wednesday and what better way to celebrate being halfway through the workweek than by tackling the question that I know has been on everyone’s mind lately… What’s the deal with Shepherd’s and Chinese Pie!?! Are they the same thing? What makes it Chinese? Is anyone still reading?
Okay, well. Obviously no one cares, BUT I redid the photos from my original Tex-Mex Chinese Pie recipe and couldn’t wait to share. Beans, corn, tomatoes, chilies… All covered in hearty mashed potatoes.
This is stick-to-yer-ribs food right here. My mom used to make the non-vegan, more traditional version quite a bit when I was a kid. Hamburger, corn, potatoes. It was one of my favorite things she made. She also made corn chowder.. and Chinese take-out. My mom was too busy to cook much, haha!
The original post with the recipe AND a nice history of why it’s called Chinese Pie is here. Go check it out and add the ingredients to your shopping list pronto!

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Chinese pie! I’ve never heard of this! I wonder if it’s maybe a regional thing? It sounds delicious though. Can’t go wrong with black beans and corn and potatoes.
Aha! Well, duh It IS a regional thing. I just went back and read your original post. That’s what I get for not reading before commenting!
I’ll eat anything with potatoes in them! If I could live off potatoes alone I’d be so happy! That pie looks seriously good! Nothing like a good pie to beat the sub zero temperatures here!