This was my second vegan food swap, and it turned out to be just as much fun as my first (Minus the stray dogs of course)! If you haven’t heard of the Vegan Food Swap, well… it’s where people swap vegan food. Pretty simple, right? Cat from The Verdent Life pairs you up someone to send you a box, and third person for you to send one to. Lots of fun, and the cool part is that you don’t need to be a blogger to participate- it’s open to readers too! Check out the details on how it works, and maybe you’ll join next year, when it starts back up again.
My sender this month was an awesome reader named Angelina… and here’s what she sent me (late night blurry cell pic, sorry):

Since the arrival of food swap boxes seems to coincide with drama & starvation in my life, of course the box was waiting for me when I got home at midnight after 1.) a long flight (made even longer by 2 hours on the tarmac before we took off), 2.) one seriously panicky hour spent looking for my car in the parking garage, late at night, with my foot in a cast, absolutely certain I was about to get mugged/murdered, and 3.) not having eaten in almost 6 hours. When I walked in and saw that box, I was pretty certain that Angelina was my guardian angel!
I tore into one of the jerky’s first, I don’t remember which one (she sent a BBQ and a Thai Peanut!) but it was delicious. The next morning I attacked the chocolate chip cookies and they quickly became my favorite. In her note, Angelina said they were the best cookies she’s ever had, vegan or not, and I now say the same thing. They were perfection, chocolatey but not too chocolatey. Sweet but not too sweet. The package said they were made by Loving Hut, but I threw it away before getting the website (it wasn’t LH, I don’t think).
Of course, once I tried the Danielle’s sweet potato chips, the cookies had some competition. I’m going to have to get my paws on more of each so I can decide which one wins 🙂 Everything was amazing though- the kale chips covered with nooch, and these delicious corn chips from a small company in CA… all yummy!
The package I put together went out to April at Beyond the Small Gate. As of right now, she hasn’t posted her review, but go check out her blog anyway! And here’s what I sent her:

- Coconut cookies made with quinoa
- 2 flavores of TastyBite cooking sauce
- Pineapple-flavored coconut water (tastes like a non-alcoholic pina colada, yo!)
- “Accidentally vegan” breadsticks from Delallo
- Kit’s Organic berry almond bar (a fancy Clif bar) and
- A “Lushus Lemon” Bumble Bar
I sure hope she liked my choices!

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